Friday, February 27, 2009

People change.

So I have a Facebook account, get over it already. I know I said I'd never get one, but that was almost a year know, when I was him and not the current me. Every time I reflect on my past self I refer to said past self as him. Its because I change, a lot over time. I think its growing, I think thats what is happening. How could I not? The situations I put myself in can only have the outcome of growth, they're too weird to get anything else out of them. Like the time I left my grandma's walker in the parking lot at Trolley Square and had to retrieve it from mall security at midnight. That night I learned that if you decide to take said walker to a night club, its going to get passed around before you leave to drop it off on the doorstep of your grandma's assisted living facility. Its an excellent prop for dancing however.

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